Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Taklimat Teach For Malaysia Oleh Yayasan Teach For Malaysia (TFM)

Tarikh : 1 Mac 2011
Masa : 8.00 pagi – 9.00 pagi
Tempat : Bilik Permata, BPSH

Kehadiran : Pengarah BPSH,
Timbalan Pengarah (Pengurusan Sekolah),
BPSH dan pegawai BPSH

Skop Taklimat :

A. Key goals TFM :

i. Attract top talent into teaching by raising profile among the most outstanding Malaysian graduates and youth
ii. In the short term, drastically raise education outcomes of students in high-need schools
iii. In the long term, build a powerful network of Malaysian Leaders, from all sectors, committed towards raising education outcomes in under-privileged communities

B. TFM is implemented by an independent foundation that works collaboratively with MOE and other partners

C. The overall implementations agency in the MOE for TFM is Institut Aminuddin Baki

D. The first cohort of 50 Fellows will be placed as full time in high need schools beginning January 2012